About the Project
Revenge and Reform was created in one week for WolverineSoft's 2019 Summer Game Jam by a two
person team. I was in charge of all programming, game design, vfx, and UI/UX design, and my
partner designed and created all of the sprites and backgrounds for the game. After the jam was
finished, I went back and fixed some bugs, added a main menu, and a tutorial.
What Went Right
- Switching between the different characters was engaging
- Level 2's design in particular accomplishes it's goal of focusing on the Smolvey
character's abilities.
- Made a substantial amount of progress in just one week
- First complete game since learning Unity
What Could Be Improved
- Better scoping at the start of the project. My partner and I spent 12
hours a
day for a week straight working on this game, and still had to cut different
enemy types, the boss battle, and some levels.
- Better platforming controls. Once we were finished, playtesters often
about the movement feeling floaty and unresponsive.
- Finding a better use for one of the characters, Swolvey. They currently
have no
special ability, just a more powerful punch, and so most players never utilized
the character.
Lessons Learned
- Make your MVP early on, and playtest often
- Scope small, and be prepared to cut. Make sure to take the amount of time it
produce art assets into account when designing.
- Use version control software, even for small projects. We ended up losing our
designed level that we had been playtesting on an hour before the end of the jam
because we hadn't been using any VCS.
- Explain your mechanics in game. Before adding in the tutorial, most players
had no
idea what the main mechanics of this game were.
- Don't be afraid of text! When designing R&R's tutorial, I did my best to
exclude any
text where possible, thinking this would force me to explain our mechanics through
gameplay alone. Instead, this left players confused and ill-prepared for the levels.