Completed in one semester by around 30 University of Michigan students, Dreamwillow is a light hearted faux top down twin stick shooter about a necromancer resurrecting their foes to help them escape a dark forest.
Being in a leadership role in a student led project means having to take on several roles. During the devlopment of Dreamwillow, I often had to juggle between these different roles and do my best to prioritize each task.
Early on in production, before we had settled on our Pod structure for teams, the art department was assignd various tasks. The first few being intended to help us narrow down a design for our main character.
Working off the early underworld theme the art team had settled on, I browsed pinterest, tumblr, and deviantart trying to find things that I felt best fit my vision for the game, and constructed a moodboard for what our main character might look like. The key things that stood out to me here were boots, a hood or hat to cover their head, and a dark / shadowy face.
Working off of my moodboard, and the original underworld theme we were given, I created this character design. The tentacles were intended to allow for animations that were uncoupled from the player’s movement, and also to add to the creepy factor
After all of the members of the art team pitched their designs for the main character, I was tasked with vectorizing another team member's design. As the artist's sketch had no color scheme, I made multiple different sprites and ran them by one of the art leads to get approval. Ultimately, we went with the brown and grey design.
After all of the designs were vectorized, the whole team voted on which design to use for the main character. My design got 2nd place, behind the design that I had been asked to vectorize. I was then assigned to create the sprites for each direction the character would face, pictured above.
During my time as lead animator for WolverineSoft Studio, I had several respoinsibilites. From creating our asset workflow, to creating learning resources for other team members, to reviewing others' animations. Pictured below is a workshop I gave for general WolverineSoft members and studio animators to learn how to animate in Unity using the 2D Animation package.
One of the first things I rigged and animated for Dreamwillow was the player character, as they were the first finished sprite for the game. At first I had difficulty working within the constraints of the 2D Animation package and learning the workflow, but after animating the first view, I got the hang of it, and made quick work of the rest.
Pictured to the right is the main character's idle animation I animated.
Finished rather late in the production cycle, I didn't have time to send the above enemy back to it's original animator to rework, and instead opted to polish the frames myself, adding in followthrough, anticipation, etc, to try and finish the product before the end of our last sprint.
During Dreamwillow's production, I was one of two artists tasked with creating particle systems, and of the two I was in charge.
Pictured to the left is a gif of the particle system I created for the level exit portal. Particles are spawned every few seconds with a long trail and a color that changes over time, and in the center of the portal is a force field that pulls nearby particles in, causing the cool orbiting effect. If I had had the time, I would have finished it off with a shader on the orange ellipse of the portal so it wasn't just a solid orange.
Pictured to the left is the soul (currency item) which is probably the art asset that took the most of my time to polish for Dreamwillow, as I wanted a wispy sort of flame object, but it had to keep it's cartoonish vector art look, while still being made with a particle system in Unity. It's made of two parts. The bottom half, which is an animated spinning orb, and the top, which is a particle system layered underneath the orb.
Finally, we have the particle system used to show an enemy being resurrected (a part of our core mechanic). This particle system was a collobration between me and one other artists. They created the rough draft of the spiraling particles, and I tweaked them and added in the 2nd half, with the particles that emit from the corpse.
I was the pod lead for the UI pod, and the primary artist working on the team. This meant that all UI decisions went through me, and that I created the majority of the UI assets that made it into the final build of the game. From the HUD, to the main menu, to the pause and settings menu.
Pictured to the right is an early mockup for the HUD. It features a thick black bar at the top where all UI elements are placed. This was at the behest of one of our designers, as they wanted to replicate the User Interface of The Binding Of Isaac, which features a similar black bar. This was intended to stop the UI elements from blocking the player's view of any enemies or projectiles.
Pictured to the left is a later iteration, in which the black bar has been removed, and the currency display has moved to the bottom right corner. This change was made as the art team had felt that it gave a more natural feel to the UI and had a less intrusive presence than the black bar.
Getting close to the end here, this is basically the final layout of the UI. The blocky squares have been swapped for round masks and a counter has been added for health potions. The only changes made after this were updated the sprites to better fit the theme.
Finally, we have the pause and settings menu. For this menu, I touched up another artists design for the buttons, animated everything, chose the font, and placed all elements.
I was one of three level designers on Dreamwillow, tasked with creating the 3rd level and the final level out of the 6 levels in the final build of the game. This work mainly involved thinking up specific enemy encounters I wanted the player to experience, designing a room around that experience, and then trying to use each room to push the player down a certain path to the end of the level. Perfecting that flow ended up taking a lot more time than I had first realized, but through lots of playtesting, observation of players, and discussion with other level designers, I was able to refine my levels and create a better experience.
Pictured above are screenshots of level three. This level was intended
to be a mid game challenge level, with fast moving enemies, and a difficult to reach
end that couldn't be ran to. The top is an early iteration, and the bottom is the
final design.
When iterating on the design, I added health pickups to give the player moments of
rest, removed a long empty hall at the begining to get the player into the action
quicker, moved enemies away from the first door in an attempt to help the door
problem, opened up some of the smaller rooms, and pushed the exit portal farther
back so it was more difficult to reach, as players had been able to duck through
enemies to reach it in the earlier version.
Pictured above are screenshots of level six. This level was intended
to be the final level, and therefore needed to be challenging, but not impossible, a
test of the player's skills thus far. The top is an early iteration, and the bottom
is the final design.
When iterating on this design, I added several health pickups to ensure the player
could reach the end, moved the exit so that the progression felt more natural, added
more enemies of different types into what became the final room and also moved the
currency pickups to be behind enemies in order to encourage clearing the final room.